Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dumb Laws

Dumb laws, today in reading and writting class we enter in a good website, it is www.dumblaws.com , there you can see a lots funny laws the differentes countrys. hahaha. I will give you exemple that.

Comic books which depict any illegal acts are banned.

35% of a radio stations content must be "Canadian Content".

You may not pay for a fifty-cent item with only pennies.

Citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

It is illegal for clear or non-dark sodas to contain caffeine.

Businesses must provide rails for tying up horses.

Wooden logs may not be painted.

You may never use dice to play craps.

If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town.

When raining, a person may not water his/her lawn.

It is illegal to turn right on a red light at any time.

Margarine producers can't make their margarine yellow.

All business signs in the province of Quebec must be in French.

Bylaw states that no more than 3.

If you have a water trough in your front yard it must be filled by 5:00 a.

Homeowners are responsible for clearing snow off of municipal sidewalks.

The city is classified as a no-pee zone.

The color of house and garage doors is regulated by city bylaws (a purple door get you a fine).

You can't work on your car in the street.

It's illegal to climb trees.

This laws is from Canada, if you as me, are in canada be careful.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Today is Tuesday,
Now I`m in my writting and reading class, and our teacher give time for us post in your blog.
Ok, here I`m =pp
Today in this class we watched an old show to call `I love lucy`, this was funny this show used to use Slapstick comedy.
Today in the same class we tell jokes for each others, some times was funny others time note, however, was good class.
But better than this class, was our grammar class, because our teacher give us free donuts and coffe, maybe can jeff do the same. I bilieve this. =pp
After I finish this we will have lunch time and a big time because today the last class just begging at 2 p.m.
Ok, this is the half day for ESL studant. Bye see ya.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hey Everybody

Welcome to my blog. Here you can see me and funny situation.
By the way, enjoy and give me coments.
See you.